
March 29, 2023

Docker CLI

Create a container

docker create [image]

Start a container

docker start [name|image]

Create and start a container

$ docker run [image]
docker run \                         
   -i \                                # Keep STDIN open even if not attached (To use keyboard)
   -t \                                # Allocate a pseudo-TTY (To use Terminal)
   --rm \                              # Automatically remove the container when it exits
   -d \                                # Run container in background and print container ID
   --name string \                     # Assign a name to the container
   -p 13306:3306                          # Publish a container's port(s) to the hos
   -v /opt/example:/example \          # Bind mount a volume
   IMAGE \                             # Image
   [COMMAND]                           # Command in the container

-it == -i -t

Check the running container

docker ps

Check the status of all running container

docker ps -a

Check the detail of the container

$ docker inspect [container]

Pause the container

$ docker pause [container]

Resume the container

$ docker unpause [container]

Stop the container (Pass SIGTERM)

$ docker stop [container]

Stop all container

$ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Kill the container (Pass SIGKILL)

$ docker kill [container]

Remove the container

$ docker rm [container]

Remove the container after running

$ docker run --rm ...

Remove the container after kill (Pass SIGKILL)

$ docker rm -f [container]

Remove all stopped container

$ docker container prune

Running and Connecting Maria DB docker

I’ve used Docker Desktop on macOS silicon.

docker pull mariadb

mariadb_run mariadb_run_options mariadb_sequel

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Written by Yerin Hong who lives in London and works in the UK.